Friday, November 30, 2007

Pulling from the stash

You'd think with the holidays approaching, I'd be making gifts. Not so. I'm selfishly making things for self! With the physician imposed weight loss, I'm finding that things just don't fit like they did a few months ago, and it's time to update some things in the wardrobe.

Not only the weight loss, but also the problem of dividing sewing into "I need to make this" and "this has to be done yesterday" keeps me from getting as much personal sewing done as I'd like. However, the sports sewing is done for another season, so I can be selfish:)

First on the docket were a couple of jackets. I've had Simplicity 4375 in the stash forever. The pattern is now out of print, but the jacket is one of those styles that will be around for at least a few more years. I've had a piece of burnt orange lightweight faux suede in the stash for awhile, and thought the pattern would work well in this fabric. I also had a great piece of corduroy with terrific silly-string-like yarns applied all over the fabric. This was destined to be the first of the two jackets.

I made the standard alterations, and found that I needed to lengthen the sleeves a half inch. The muslin looked good, so I made the first jacket from the corduroy, with the zipper front as the pattern indicated.

Looking at the pattern envelope was deceptive; I thought the jacket would hit me at the high hip area. It's almost at my waistline. Granted, I have a long back waist measurement, but this is really short! Version number two, the suede, will be at least three inches longer to have the proportion that is envisioned by the pattern envelope.

So I now have a jacket that is a bit short for my taste, but otherwise, I love it. It has just that spirit of fun that I like in clothing, without being over the top. The suede version is about 75 percent done, and it looks like it will be one of those staple wardrobe pieces. Photos to follow in a day or so when the suede jacket is finished.

Next up will be things to go with the two jackets. Those black pants that are seven years old.....well, it's time to retire them:)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Umm.....I expected a bit more....

Yesterday, I took a look at the new Simplicity "Project Runway" patterns. I had very high hopes for these, thinking that they would be fashion-forward, perhaps a bit edgy, and reflective of the creativity that comes to mind with such a title.
These patterns are okay, but they look like repackaged versions of the same patterns that the Simplicity line already offers. I expected more.
Granted, I have not looked at the instruction sheets...yet. Perhaps there is something inside the envelope that does not translate to the cover. I hope so. A good showing of these patterns could be a shot in the arm for the sewing industry.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Wouldn't you know it?

Now that football season is's time to move to basketball. And, as you may have guessed, the guys need jerseys.
These will be easy-peasy.

Of course, I do have to make myself some new things to wear. A few weeks ago, I found some facile/ultrasuede in ice blue, and fell in love with the color. I'm anxious to get started on the jacket that is in my mind, made from that piece of fabric. There is a big luncheon coming up, for which I am the hostess, and it would be great to have that jacket for the occasion.

Also, a young-ish friend approached me this morning and asked if I'd like to take a small bag of antique lace off her hands. The small bag turned out to be the size of a large garbage bag, and is packed to the rim with interesting things. Among them is a Dritz bound buttonhole maker! There is also an old pattern marking tool, a box of belt buckles, and some silk-covered tiny snaps. The lace is pretty, too:)